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WoolWax® Undercoating Formula is a lanolin based corrosion inhibitor developed solely to protect the undercarriages of automobiles and trucks. The lanolin is blended with other proprietary agents to provide long term corrosion protection. WoolWax® will provide long term protection (annual application) against salt, liquid calcium chloride, brine, and all other ice control agents that are being used by municipal departments.

*Results dependent on condition of vehicle
Woolwax® contains a considerable amount of raw woolgrease (lanolin). This makes Woolwax® thicker and much more resistant to wash off. Thereby providing a longer period of protection for exposed undercarriage areas
WoolWax® is solvent free and is very thick and viscous. It applies like a heavy latex paint, which makes it very resistant to wash-off. WoolWax® does not dry. It remains soft and pliable and continues to be active, migrating into all the inaccessible areas
Lanolin is a unique organic substance derived from the wool grease coating on raw sheep wool. It is an all natural, incredibility effective substance that acts as a moisture barrier and lubricant
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